Personal Activities
NDIS Daily Assistance to Personal Activities in VIC, NSW
The motto behind the NDIS Daily Assistance to Personal Activities is assisting the individuals living with disabilities in their day to day activities and to help them live as autonomously as possible. The participants can receive their support at home as well as in their community.

Rising Journey Disability Services Pty. Ltd. is one of the most acclaimed names offering customised NDIS Daily Assistance to Personal Activities in VIC, NSW to support the participants in their effort to live a life of their choice. The support we offer is highly flexible and is perfectly customised. We tailor the support depending on the preference, the lifestyle, gender, age and the socio economic background, objectives, and needs of the lives of the participants.

Our highly experienced and qualified, professional and cordial professionals would help ensure that the day to day routine of the participants is as manageable and achievable as possible.

We generally offer home-base support, though community-based supports are also offered, based on the participants’ needs and preferences.

What our services include?
The NDIS Daily Assistance to Personal Activities in VIC, NSW that we offer are highly flexible and participant-centric, custom made to meet the participants’ needs and the outcomes. Besides helping them in day to day activities, we also assist them in developing certain skills to lead a modest, independent life of self esteem and respect. The services we offer include:
  • Bathing & showering, maintenance of dental hygiene, dressing, grooming and maintenance of overall personal hygiene.
  • Bladder and bowel management, toileting
  • Assistance in having food & drinking.
  • Assisting in attending medical appointments as and when needed
  • Medication management as per the doctor’s instructions
  • The use of assistance tools like hearing aids, communication devices, and appliances.
Book our Service
Call us now to book our service or to schedule an appointment with our experts. Or write to us to know further details about our service. See how we can change the lives of the participants.