Life Stages
Life Stages, Transition & Support Coordination in VIC, NSW
Transitions including moving out, getting to the schools, colleges, offices and works are parts and parcels of everyone’s life and hence, are not worthy of mentioning or highlighting. But for those living with disabilities, these tasks are a challenge. This is where Life Stages, Transition & Support Coordination services under the NDIS scheme will come into play. This National Disability Insurance Scheme is all about a wide range of support designed to assist life stage transitions. The motto behind the service is to make this transition phase as seamless as possible without interfering with the comfort of the individual. Professionals from disability support providers would offer short as well as long term support options along with life transition planning services, depending on the needs & requirements of the NDIS participants.

Rising Journey Disability Services Pty. Ltd. is a registered service provider that offers, amongst other services, custom life stages, transition & support coordination services in VIC, NSW. Our experts enable a friction-free transition, and encourage the participants to relocate to a new setting and create a conducive and comfortable ethos – social connection, accommodation, finances, and even recreation to make them feel at ease.

Our life stage transition service in VIC, NSW includes short & long-term support, which emphasises on assistance to live at home and community participation.

What our Life Stages, Transition & Support Coordination services include?
The life stages, transition & support coordination services we offer include:
  • Support connection as well as coordination
  • Development of capacity building skills
  • Development of independent living and self-care skills
  • Capacity to self resolve crisis and conflict situations
  • Establishing supportive networks in the communal setup of the participant
  • Linkage support to other ancillary supportive community programs and services
  • Assistance with accommodation and tenancy procedures
  • Daily planning and budgeting
  • Mentoring and peer support
  • Development of Individual skills
  • Assistance with decision making & planning
Thus, our all encompassing life stage transition and support services go a long way to help participants ease into a new phase or stage of their life.
Request an Appointment
Call us at the earliest to book our service straight away or to schedule a meeting with our experts.